
My Promise to You

I remain wholly dedicated to being as genuine to myself and to you as possible. I will hold myself to high standards to achieve exceptional work. I will attempt to provide you with the best overview of the type of person I am so that we can work together effectively. I will never look to diminish you and I will always work hard to support you. 

If there is any content on this website that you find personally unacceptable, please contact me so that we can discuss the best steps to a mutual understanding!

Professional Ethics/Integrity

Original Content posted by, and that may be accessed or retrieved from this website, are solely owned by Shaun Bechard unless otherwise cited/referenced.

All users and viewers of this website do not have any permission to improperly access, attempt to adulterate, remove, or reference the content herein without the expressed permission granted by the website owner. 

All views expressed on this website, professionally or otherwise, are the sole ownership of the user expressing such views and do not constitute the views held by individuals, organizations or others that are associated with that user, whether closely or very loosely. Equally so, the views expressed on this website shall be treated in the same manner by those individuals, organizations or others. 


The context in which content is posted shall be taken "as-is" and there shall be no assumptions made on intentions, biases, or the conclusions made about any topics discussed without contacting the website owner or content publisher for clarification or resolution.

Content Differentiation and Moderation

As this website is intended to give a more well-rounded viewpoint of who I am as an individual, please understand the following:

A diagram showcasing my political leanings. Credit: The Political Compass; The Political Compass 

Personal Politics

My goal is always to be as truthful and transparent about myself when it comes to politics. I do NOT let my personal politics influence my professional life and I find it rather easy to accept and coexist with those that are willing to express their political views to me. I am always a firm believer that establishing a "common ground" is important to creating connections that bridge the gap between "disagreements". I am always thankful for coworkers, family and friends that practice a similar policy, but I will never hold a difference of opinion over someone. 

Discrimination by exclusion is the same as discrimination by inclusion - two sides to the same coin. I do not believe in discrimination by any means and I support fairness in its purest form. Personally, I enjoy getting to know others and experiencing the variety of viewpoints, values, beliefs, opinions and other facets of life that can be shared. I enjoy supporting others (especially behind-the-scenes) and listening to them so that they may feel that their views and life are validated and meaningful. It is always meaningful to me.

As you can see, I have provided you with a breakdown of my political views in the form of a diagram. The red dot indicates where I lay in relation to traditional political belief systems or "political compass". My hope is that you can trust my centrist political viewpoint will be an asset to the workplace or in social settings.